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Heerlijk genieten bij Lytel Blue
Package ‘Enjoy’
1 pers. from €232,95 / 2 pers. from €287,97
Arrangements | Diner

Package ‘Enjoy’

Enjoy a relax evening in Riethoven at Boutique hotel Lytel Blue and restaurant Vandeijck. Make a hike or bike tour through the green Kempen and experience the best of restaurant Vandeijck in the evening, with a 4-course menu.

End the day in with an overnight stay in the comfortable Blue Room of Boutique hotel Lytel Blue. Watch a movie on Netflix or enjoy the big rain shower in the modern bathroom. In the morning we will make you a delicious freshly prepared breakfast, so you will be ready for a brand new day!

This package can be booked by filling our out contact form.

Package ‘Enjoy’:

  • 4-course menu at restaurant Vandeijck excl. drinks
  • 1x stay in the Blue Room van Boutique hotel Lytel Blue (upgrade Blue Suite +€30,-)
  • Freshly prepared a la carte breakfast in de morning
  • Coffee or tea upon arrival in the hotel
2 pers. vanaf €837 excl. toeristenbelasting

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Arrangements | Diner

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Book now 3 days before arrival and receive a 10% discount on your booking!

(Not valid on Friday & Saturday)

Boek nu met 20% korting onze winterdeal!