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House rules
Safe & trustworthy

House rules

In the below rules you will find the most important house rules which apply at Boutique hotel Lytel Blue. We kindly ask to respect and accept these rules.

Thank you for your understanding


General rules:

  • Upon check-in you need to show a legitimate identification.
  • You can book a room from the age of 18.
  • All instructions of the staff of the hotel, which are regarding the house rules, should be followed.
  • In case of fire, stay calm. Report the fire at the reception and push the nearby fire alarm. Leave the building when you hear the fire alarm.
  • In different areas of the hotel, there a security cameras placed. Everyone who visits Boutique hotel Lytel Blue agrees with the recordings. In case of emergency of other situations these recordings can be showed to third parties as supportive material.
  • When personal items are found after check-out, the hotel will contact the guest. The costs for sending the lost items to the home adres are for the guests account. The hotel is not responsible for the damage to sent items. 
  • The hotel is not responsible for the loss or theft of your possessions.
  • Boutique hotel Lytel Blue and/or persons who work for the hotel, could not be held responsible for any damage to tangible and intangible damage that guests could experience 

It is prohibited:

  • To smoke in the hotelroom or the hotel in general. If we observe that there is smoked in the hotelroom, we are obliged to give a fine of €150 for the cleaning costs. When the fire alarm turns on due to smoking in the hotelroom or the hotel in general, the guest is requested to leave the hotel immediately.  
  • To take possessions of the hotel (such as soap dispensers or towels) with you out of the building. When deliberately damage of theft is observed of possessions of the hotel, the guests could be held responsible for repair and/or purchase costs. 
  • To use, sell or keep soft and/or hard drugs in the hotel.
  • To use nitrous oxide balloons in the hotel.
  • To disturb other guests with loud music, indecent behavior or disturbance from any other kind
  • To keep more persons in the room that is allowed 
Also interesting

More information about the hotel?


Breakfast, it is the most important meal of the day. At Lytel Blue we think that it should be the nicest moment of the day where you can wake up in the way that suits you. What can we make for you?


The Brabantse Kempen is a resilient area of the Netherlands. With many hiking and and bike routes, our guests always enjoys the nature. But how fun would it bo to experience the surrounding nature with Alpacas? 

Plasticfree hotelroom

The last ten years, more plastic is produced than in the whole 20th century. Half of the produced plastic is for a one-time usage and will be thrown away afterwards.


Enjoy luxury

In the Blue Suite you can ultimately enjoy luxury. Discover the monumental elements in this stylish room on the second floor. With a comfortable Swiss Sense bed with tv lift, a bath in the room, pantry and cosy living corner you won’t want leave this room!

All space to enjoy

Did you know that the blue color has a positive influence on your brains? Find out and experience this room. Enjoy the Siwss Sense bed with tv lift, the marvelous view out of your window or take a nice shower in the beautiful bathroom.

A small oasis of peace

The blue color in this room will definitely clear your head and give your body the rest it deserves. In this smaller room you can enjoy the Swiss Sense bed with tv lift and the marvelous bathroom.

Where plastic is unnecessary

Would you like to experience something special? Book the Special Blue Room! In this room you will find no plastic and experience the alternatives of wood and natural materials.

    Safe & trusted

    Experience a sense of wonder

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