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Contact us!
Are you ready to relax in style?
Experience a sense of wonder

Contact us!

Are you curious about the unique experience of Boutique Hotel Lytel Blue, have a specific question, or wish to book one of our arrangements? Don’t hesitate to contact us. Our team is always ready to assist you and ensure your stay is as relaxing and memorable as possible.

At Lytel Blue, everything revolves around personal attention and comfort. Whether you’re looking for a romantic getaway, a tranquil retreat, or a unique location for a special occasion, we’re dedicated to creating an unforgettable experience just for you. Get in touch with us.

Contact us today
Would you like to learn more about our arrangements, share special requests, or discuss your options? You can reach us via email, phone, or the contact form on this page. We’re happy to answer all your questions and look forward to welcoming you soon.

Contact form


Molenstraat 1
5561AA Riethoven
Tel: 040 720 0886

Contact us, we are ready to assist you.

By car

Take on the A67 exit 30 close to Eersel. Turn left. At the second roundabout, take the third exit and follow this road till you reach a split road. Turn right, then left following the signs ‘Riethoven’. Follow this road to the crossing, cross the road and you will find Lytel Blue on your left hand!

By public transport

Take the train to Eindhoven Central Station. Take bus 18 in the direction of Bergeijk Loo. Leave the bus at the stop ‘Riethoven Kerk’. When you exit the bus, walk in the direction of the church. At the right hand side of the church you will see Lytel Blue.

Experience a sense of wonder

Boutique hotel Lytel Blue, Experience a sense of wonder

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> Kerstbanner

20% korting!


Boek nu 2 nachten met maar liefst 20% korting op de reguliere kamerprijs.

(Niet geldig op vrijdag & zaterdag)


Last Minute Deal

Book now 3 days before arrival and receive a 10% discount on your booking!

(Not valid on Friday & Saturday)

Boek nu met 20% korting onze winterdeal!